Monday 15th january: Reception at the School and welcoming of the hosting families

Tuesday 16th january: Students will go to School at 9.00 and our Spanish boys and girls will show them the School and wait for their teachers to arrive. Reception of the Mayor at Townhall. Erasmus Workshop.

Wednesday 17th january: Erasmus workshop: designing our Logo / poster. Visit of “ Abriendo Fronteras” (Opening
boundaries) Group . Experience with the refugees in the island of Lesbos. Erasmus work at School: comparing interviews.

Thursday 18th january:  Erasmus workshop. 16.30 : Round table (Chat) at Social Center of Río Henares with Media,
social and politic players.

Friday 19 of january: Trip to Toledo.

Saturday 20 of january: Day for families.

Sunday 21 of january: Gathering point at the School according to your flight schedules.

IES Arcipreste de Hita
Poeta Manuel Martínez, 4
19200. Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara) Tel. 949 260 432
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